
hammock in the garden

Simple Ways to Keep Cool in the Summer Heat

Cottage Garden Seasonal Summer, Cottage Living, Featured

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Summertime offers so many wonderful things…This is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors, vacations, cooking out, picnics, beach, gardening and so much more…In the South, the summers can get pretty hot and very humid. It feels like wearing a winter coat outdoors! So…what are some simple ways to keep cool in the summer? Here’s some of my favorite.

keep cool in the summer heat

How to Keep Cool in the Summer Heat

The South is not the only place affected by heat.  Heat waves can roll across the country – whether it is dry heat or humid heat. I’ve looked for a number of ways to keep cool in the summer heat.

Some people love the heat and the humidity. I just don’t understand them! I think I’m not made for this heat, ancestrally, but, this is where we live, where we’ll stay – I have to make the best of it. As the quote says, ‘bloom where you’re planted’.

Three basic things you need to do to keep cool.

  • Rest

  • Cool Environment

  • Hydration


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The hottest part of the day is the middle of the day. This is a good time to take a break. Don’t you like the notion of a siesta? Not always practical, especially if you work, but it is a good idea to at least take 15 minutes a day to rest.

Cool Environment

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Get out of the sun. If you get into the shade and it’s still hot, think of cooling down with damp cloth. Place one round the back of your neck, rub ice on the insides of your wrists – the pulse areas. This also causes the moisture to evaporate – aiding in cooling you down. Get inside if possible. The heat has been around for a long time – before the advent of air conditioning folks would cover the windows, fan the air and wear light clothing.

I love these sheets from Perfect Linens – they’re so soft and perfect for the summer nights. Sheets made from natural fabrics are more breathable.


keep hydrated make your own drinks and sprays A-Delightsome-Life

Our bodies need hydration at all times, but most especially when the temperatures are extreme; whether hot or cold. Drink plenty of water and if need be include drinks with electrolytes to replenish your body. Mine needs more salt than the average person, I found that out while attempting a low salt diet. Know what works for you.

Water is the best way to hydrate your body.

But if you need just a little bit more…here’s an awesome recipe…

Make Your Own Electrolyte Drink


  • Four main ingredients - you can flavor as you like
  • Citrus - whether lemon lime, orange or a combination of all - 1/4 to 1/2 cup - to taste
  • Salt - use sea salt - there's more minerals there - 1 tsp
  • Water - distilled water is best - enough for a full glass
  • Sugar - you can use natural sugars; such as honey or stevia to taste - about 1 tsp


  1. Easy and quick. Make a syrup with your water and stevia and salt make sure either or both are melted. (you don't need to do this with the honey - just stir in). Add the citrus of your choice; stir and add ice.

Recipe Notes

you can alternate flavors by adding coconut milk, or bulk it up with a banana - this you'll need to blend in with a blender. In a pinch, you can purchase Emergen-C and add to water - this is a great way to get your vitamins and a boost for immunity. (no affiliation)


infused waterStrawberry – Cucumber Water – thinly slice 8 oz. strawberries and 1/2 of an English cucumber. Add two quarts water and ice – you can add mint sprigs too! To infuse – refrigerate from two to four hours.

Refreshing Cooling Sprays

Cooling Sprays


  • You may have some of these ingredients already - I'd recommend finding a good Lavender essential oil and rosewater online or at health food store
  • 1/4 cup rosewater
  • 5 to 8 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • Small dark spray bottle
  • ----
  • Green Tea Spray
  • Simply make your favorite green tea place in a dark spray bottle and keep in your fridge - spritz yourself for a refreshing lift
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  • Peppermint Spray - this is awesome for your feet
  • 2 green tea bags
  • Lavender buds - 1 cup
  • 10 to 15 peppermint leaves
  • 2 tsp Aloe Vera gel
  • 2 cups water
  • Heat the water in a kettle; pour over the leaves and gel. Strain the water with a fine sieve or with cheesecloth into a dark bottle sprayer - chill.

Take a Cool Bath with Fragrant Bath Salts

homemade bath salts

Homemade Bath Salts

Add More Fresh Fruit

Summer is also a wonderful time to add more fresh fruits to your menu! My family loves watermelon. Here are some of my tips to select the best watermelon!

How to Pick a Ripe Watermelon

click on image

When Working Outdoors…

I prefer the very early morning hours…and I follow the shade. Sometimes I can’t help but be in the sun. During those times, I wear a hat and take breaks.

Close the Curtains…


I I love looking outdoors, but I realized walking by our windows with the curtains wide open just how much heat comes in through those windows. We have old windows – not like the modern ones today that are double paned. I love our old wavy windows. So at the hottest times of the day…I close the curtains.

How do You Stay Cool in the Summer?

I know there are more tips out there and I would love to learn your favorite! Summer is such a wonderful time. Enjoy yourself, but remember – stay cool!

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