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Serene Sunday

Peace, Serene Sunday

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Serene Sunday

Perfect Peace

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3

We all have moments when people or life come at us and we feel less than peaceful. We all have moments of anxiety, of worry, of fear and of doubt. We all do.

And, I believe we’d all love to be at peace. How can we do that? Well, that’s the first thing we have to realize it. Perfect peace is not reliant upon what we ourselves can do.

We have to hand over the reins of our fears, life, thoughts, wishes and all our being to God. Only He can keep us in perfect peace.

Only God will protect, preserve and guard us so that we can have perfect peace.

This doesn’t mean that he takes us out of difficult life situations. It means that while we are in those situations we can have perfect peace.

And what does peace actually mean? It means knowing that God is in control – that He alone can conquer anything in our lives. We have peace knowing He guards and protects us in what is important in our lives.

The key here for us is the phrase, whose mind is stayed on you…

Our minds can take us many, many places we’d rather not be. Our minds can betray us and can cause us to go down paths we shouldn’t. So what do we do?

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2

We have to consciously let go of our lives and set our hearts and minds on God. We do this in the beginning through reading, prayer and meditation. And, we do this throughout the day letting go as we realize from time to time we’ve picked up the reigns and try to steer our lives our way…

We have to take the time each day to deliberately set our minds on God. It’s our daily bread – our meditation on Him.

We need to be steadfast in our efforts – not in a hodge podge, here again and there again manner. It has to become part of our daily life – our daily habits. We must plant our feet firmly in faith in setting aside all our trust and placing it on God.

Why and how does this work. It is because we trust God. We’ve found Him to be faithful and true. He was and will always be the only one whose gone so far as to die to pay for our sins and who willingly accepts us just as we are. God alone conquered sin and death and there’s nothing else in our lives that He cannot handle. We will always be safe with Him.

Our walk with God is a daily walk. Salvation was easy in the sense that all we had to do was believe. Growth takes more effort and time. Growth takes more releasing and exercising more faith. Growth also brings us to a better and closer understanding of just how amazing and wonderful our God is.

Yes, we can have perfect peace in this world through all circumstances. We can have this only because of who God is and it is all through Him. Focus on this, meditate on this and draw from the living water of His word. He is the one who keeps us – holds us together – through all circumstances. All we have to do is to lean on Him and let go – trust Him in all things.

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